How to Host Your Website on Google Drive Without Spending a Penny

Want to host your website for free then Google has come up with a complete cloud infrastructure called the Google Drive. Another benefit of using the cloud infrastructure is that it gives you access to all the documents and media stored anywhere and it is also easy to share. Even if you don’t have access to any other web server then don’t worry as you have the Google drive to your assistance. With the help of this you can publish content which may include HTML pages, images, audio and video files. You will be getting around 15 GB disk space for the account but there is no bandwidth limit. You are allowed to upgrade to more space any time you feel the need to.

Hosting a web page

If you want to host a web page on Google drive then you need to follow these simple steps:

  • First, you will have to create a folder in the Google Drive and change the sharing permission to “Public on the web”
  • Now upload all the files like the HTML, JavaScript and CSS for your web page to a new folder
  • After uploading the files, click on HTML file and a drive will open where you will have the option “Open” at the lower right corner, click it. This will open up the file where you will have to click on “Preview” button at the top
  • Lastly, share the URL which will be somewhat like…. And your site is now open to all.

Now anybody sitting in any corner of the world will be able to visit your site.

Simple and crisp instructions make it easy

Previously also Google had come up with an option for web developers where they can publish their website content but that was too complicated. Therefore it didn’t gain any popularity with the users but this new feature is so simple that almost anybody with basic computer knowledge can do it on their own. Create your file and upload it to the public folder where everybody will be able to access, it is as simple as that.

Useful for people from various stages of life

This will prove to be great option if you are a web developer as you will be able to update your resume online for sharing draft with your client. You can also update your portfolio in there so that will give you more access or you can also create your own personal landing page.

Only one drawback noticed

Every good thing also has a tiny glitch attached to it and in this case it is the scripting language. Here you won’t be able to use the server side scripting languages like PHP instead only those static elements like HTML, CSS, and JS can be put to use.

The web page hosting through Google drive is quite versatile though it has slight issues but nothing major. The users love it and they are testing code here and also have client’s demo or even a side project and all these are possible under one login making it a popular option for all.

If you are looking for paid options, here is how to create and host a website.